Desktop Grid Computing

Book description

This book presents common techniques used in numerous models, algorithms, and tools developed during the last decade to implement desktop grid computing. These techniques enable the solution of many important sub-problems for middleware design, including scheduling, data management, security, load balancing, result certification, and fault tolerance. Each chapter presents the sub-problems, discusses theoretical and practical issues, offers details about implementation and experiments, and includes references to further reading and notes.

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Contents (1/2)
  3. Contents (2/2)
  4. List of Figures
  5. List of Tables
  6. Preface
  7. Presentation of the Book
  8. I. The Birth
    1. 1. Volunteer Computing and BOINC (1/6)
    2. 1. Volunteer Computing and BOINC (2/6)
    3. 1. Volunteer Computing and BOINC (3/6)
    4. 1. Volunteer Computing and BOINC (4/6)
    5. 1. Volunteer Computing and BOINC (5/6)
    6. 1. Volunteer Computing and BOINC (6/6)
    7. 2. Open, Scalable and Self-Regulated Federations of Desktop Grids with OurGrid (1/5)
    8. 2. Open, Scalable and Self-Regulated Federations of Desktop Grids with OurGrid (2/5)
    9. 2. Open, Scalable and Self-Regulated Federations of Desktop Grids with OurGrid (3/5)
    10. 2. Open, Scalable and Self-Regulated Federations of Desktop Grids with OurGrid (4/5)
    11. 2. Open, Scalable and Self-Regulated Federations of Desktop Grids with OurGrid (5/5)
    12. 3. The XtremWebCH Volunteer Computing Platform (1/6)
    13. 3. The XtremWebCH Volunteer Computing Platform (2/6)
    14. 3. The XtremWebCH Volunteer Computing Platform (3/6)
    15. 3. The XtremWebCH Volunteer Computing Platform (4/6)
    16. 3. The XtremWebCH Volunteer Computing Platform (5/6)
    17. 3. The XtremWebCH Volunteer Computing Platform (6/6)
    18. 4. XtremWeb-HEP: Designing Desktop Grid for the EGEE Infrastructure (1/4)
    19. 4. XtremWeb-HEP: Designing Desktop Grid for the EGEE Infrastructure (2/4)
    20. 4. XtremWeb-HEP: Designing Desktop Grid for the EGEE Infrastructure (3/4)
    21. 4. XtremWeb-HEP: Designing Desktop Grid for the EGEE Infrastructure (4/4)
    22. 5. A Volunteer Computing Platform Experience for Neuromuscular Disease Problems (1/5)
    23. 5. A Volunteer Computing Platform Experience for Neuromuscular Disease Problems (2/5)
    24. 5. A Volunteer Computing Platform Experience for Neuromuscular Disease Problems (3/5)
    25. 5. A Volunteer Computing Platform Experience for Neuromuscular Disease Problems (4/5)
    26. 5. A Volunteer Computing Platform Experience for Neuromuscular Disease Problems (5/5)
    27. 6. How to Work with XtremWeb, Condor, BOINC on Top of BonjourGrid (1/6)
    28. 6. How to Work with XtremWeb, Condor, BOINC on Top of BonjourGrid (2/6)
    29. 6. How to Work with XtremWeb, Condor, BOINC on Top of BonjourGrid (3/6)
    30. 6. How to Work with XtremWeb, Condor, BOINC on Top of BonjourGrid (4/6)
    31. 6. How to Work with XtremWeb, Condor, BOINC on Top of BonjourGrid (5/6)
    32. 6. How to Work with XtremWeb, Condor, BOINC on Top of BonjourGrid (6/6)
    33. 7. How to Work with PastryGrid (1/3)
    34. 7. How to Work with PastryGrid (2/3)
    35. 7. How to Work with PastryGrid (3/3)
  9. II. Maturity and Beyond
    1. 8. Challenges in Designing Scheduling Policies in Volunteer Computing (1/5)
    2. 8. Challenges in Designing Scheduling Policies in Volunteer Computing (2/5)
    3. 8. Challenges in Designing Scheduling Policies in Volunteer Computing (3/5)
    4. 8. Challenges in Designing Scheduling Policies in Volunteer Computing (4/5)
    5. 8. Challenges in Designing Scheduling Policies in Volunteer Computing (5/5)
    6. 9. Modeling and Optimizing Availability of Non-Dedicated Resources (1/4)
    7. 9. Modeling and Optimizing Availability of Non-Dedicated Resources (2/4)
    8. 9. Modeling and Optimizing Availability of Non-Dedicated Resources (3/4)
    9. 9. Modeling and Optimizing Availability of Non-Dedicated Resources (4/4)
    10. 10. Security and Result Certification (1/6)
    11. 10. Security and Result Certification (2/6)
    12. 10. Security and Result Certification (3/6)
    13. 10. Security and Result Certification (4/6)
    14. 10. Security and Result Certification (5/6)
    15. 10. Security and Result Certification (6/6)
    16. 11. Data-Intensive Computing on Desktop Grids (1/5)
    17. 11. Data-Intensive Computing on Desktop Grids (2/5)
    18. 11. Data-Intensive Computing on Desktop Grids (3/5)
    19. 11. Data-Intensive Computing on Desktop Grids (4/5)
    20. 11. Data-Intensive Computing on Desktop Grids (5/5)
    21. 12. Roles of Desktop Grids in Hybrid Distributed Computing Infrastructures (1/6)
    22. 12. Roles of Desktop Grids in Hybrid Distributed Computing Infrastructures (2/6)
    23. 12. Roles of Desktop Grids in Hybrid Distributed Computing Infrastructures (3/6)
    24. 12. Roles of Desktop Grids in Hybrid Distributed Computing Infrastructures (4/6)
    25. 12. Roles of Desktop Grids in Hybrid Distributed Computing Infrastructures (5/6)
    26. 12. Roles of Desktop Grids in Hybrid Distributed Computing Infrastructures (6/6)
    27. 13. Supporting Web 2.0 Communities by Volunteer Desktop Grids (1/5)
    28. 13. Supporting Web 2.0 Communities by Volunteer Desktop Grids (2/5)
    29. 13. Supporting Web 2.0 Communities by Volunteer Desktop Grids (3/5)
    30. 13. Supporting Web 2.0 Communities by Volunteer Desktop Grids (4/5)
    31. 13. Supporting Web 2.0 Communities by Volunteer Desktop Grids (5/5)
    32. 14. Programming Applications for Desktop Grids (1/5)
    33. 14. Programming Applications for Desktop Grids (2/5)
    34. 14. Programming Applications for Desktop Grids (3/5)
    35. 14. Programming Applications for Desktop Grids (4/5)
    36. 14. Programming Applications for Desktop Grids (5/5)
    37. 15. Network Awareness in Volunteer Networks (1/5)
    38. 15. Network Awareness in Volunteer Networks (2/5)
    39. 15. Network Awareness in Volunteer Networks (3/5)
    40. 15. Network Awareness in Volunteer Networks (4/5)
    41. 15. Network Awareness in Volunteer Networks (5/5)

Product information

  • Title: Desktop Grid Computing
  • Author(s): Christophe Cerin, Gilles Fedak
  • Release date: June 2012
  • Publisher(s): Chapman and Hall/CRC
  • ISBN: 9781439862155