Screen Options

There are several options available to programmatically control several areas of the screen layout. These options include the layout of the application; whether or not to show the action bar in View-Based or Tabbed Applications; and whether or not to show the application in full screen mode. A sample application can be seen in Figure 6-13.


The options for your application layout are portrait (where the application is displayed vertically on the device) or landscape (where the application is displayed horizontally). Setting the aspect ratio by calling the setAspectRatio method on the stage can change the application’s layout. The StageAspectRatio class contains two static values that should be used to set the aspect ratio.

The Screen Options application

Figure 6-13. The Screen Options application

The code below includes a RadioGroup with the id of orientation. There are two RadioButton components in this group, with values of portrait and landscape. When clicking on one of these radio buttons, the radiobutton1_clickHandler method is called. Within this method, the orientation.selectedValue is tested. If orientation.selectedValue is equal to portrait, the stage.setAspectRatio method is called and StageAspectRatio.PORTRAIT is passed in. If orientation.selectedValue is equal to landscape, the stage.setAspectRatio method is called and StageAspectRatio.LANDSCAPE is passed in. The results can be seen ...

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