Book description
Developing Extensions for Macromedia Flash 8 describes
how to build Flash JavaScript extensions to enhance the
developer’s experience while working in the Flash authoring
environment. This book explains how each type of extension works
and describes the JavaScript application programming interface
(API) functions that Flash calls to implement the extension.
In Developing Extensions for Macromedia Flash 8, learn how
• Automate repetitive tasks
• Add custom tools to the Tools panel
• Add Timeline effects
• Add, remove, and modify filters that are
applied to objects on the Stage
• Manage Flash project files
• Access, modify, and delete files and
folders on the local file system
Powerful development and design tools require thorough and
authoritative technical advice and documentation. When it comes to
Macromedia Flash, no one is more authoritative than Macromedia
Development and writing teams. Now their official documentation is
available to you in printed book form. As you work, keep this guide
by your side for ready access to valuable information on using
Flash. We’ve designed it so that it’s easy to annotate
as you progress.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- Introduction
- 1. Top-Level Functions and Methods
2. Objects
- BitmapInstance object
- BitmapItem object
- CompiledClipInstance object
- ComponentInstance object
- componentsPanel object
- Contour object
Document object
- Method summary for the Document object
- Property summary for the Document object
- document.accName
- document.addDataToDocument()
- document.addDataToSelection()
- document.addFilter()
- document.addItem()
- document.addNewLine()
- document.addNewOval()
- document.addNewPublishProfile()
- document.addNewRectangle()
- document.addNewScene()
- document.addNewText()
- document.align()
- document.allowScreens()
- document.arrange()
- document.autoLabel
- document.backgroundColor
- document.breakApart()
- document.canEditSymbol()
- document.canRevert()
- document.canTestMovie()
- document.canTestScene()
- document.changeFilterOrder()
- document.clipCopy()
- document.clipCut()
- document.clipPaste()
- document.close()
- document.convertLinesToFills()
- document.convertToSymbol()
- document.crop()
- document.currentPublishProfile
- document.currentTimeline
- document.deleteEnvelope()
- document.deletePublishProfile()
- document.deleteScene()
- document.deleteSelection()
- document.description
- document.disableAllFilters()
- document.disableFilter()
- document.disableOtherFilters()
- document.distribute()
- document.distributeToLayers()
- document.documentHasData()
- document.duplicatePublishProfile()
- document.duplicateScene()
- document.duplicateSelection()
- document.editScene()
- document.enableAllFilters()
- document.enableFilter()
- document.enterEditMode()
- document.exitEditMode()
- document.exportPNG()
- document.exportPublishProfile()
- document.exportSWF()
- document.forceSimple
- document.frameRate
- document.getAlignToDocument()
- document.getBlendMode()
- document.getCustomFill()
- document.getCustomStroke()
- document.getDataFromDocument()
- document.getElementProperty()
- document.getElementTextAttr()
- document.getFilters()
- document.getMetadata()
- document.getSelectionRect()
- document.getTextString()
- document.getTimeline()
- document.getTransformationPoint()
- document.height
- document.importFile()
- document.importPublishProfile()
- document.importSWF()
- document.intersect()
- document.library
- document.livePreview
- document.match()
- document.mouseClick()
- document.mouseDblClk()
- document.moveSelectedBezierPointsBy()
- document.moveSelectionBy()
- document.optimizeCurves()
- document.path
- document.publish()
- document.publishProfiles
- document.punch()
- document.removeDataFromDocument()
- document.removeDataFromSelection()
- document.removeAllFilters()
- document.removeFilter()
- document.renamePublishProfile()
- document.renameScene()
- document.reorderScene()
- document.resetTransformation()
- document.revert()
- document.rotateSelection()
- document.saveAndCompact()
- document.scaleSelection()
- document.screenOutline
- document.selectAll()
- document.selection
- document.selectNone()
- document.setAlignToDocument()
- document.setBlendMode()
- document.setCustomFill()
- document.setCustomStroke()
- document.setElementProperty()
- document.setElementTextAttr()
- document.setFillColor()
- document.setFilterProperty()
- document.setFilters()
- document.setInstanceAlpha()
- document.setInstanceBrightness()
- document.setInstanceTint()
- document.setMetadata()
- document.setSelectionBounds()
- document.setSelectionRect()
- document.setStroke()
- document.setStrokeColor()
- document.setStrokeSize()
- document.setStrokeStyle()
- document.setTextRectangle()
- document.setTextSelection()
- document.setTextString()
- document.setTransformationPoint()
- document.silent
- document.skewSelection()
- document.smoothSelection()
- document.straightenSelection()
- document.swapElement()
- document.swapStrokeAndFill()
- document.testMovie()
- document.testScene()
- document.timelines
- document.traceBitmap()
- document.transformSelection()
- document.unGroup()
- document.union()
- document.unlockAllElements()
- document.viewMatrix
- document.width
- document.xmlPanel()
- document.zoomFactor
drawingLayer object
- Method summary for the drawingLayer object
- drawingLayer.beginDraw()
- drawingLayer.beginFrame()
- drawingLayer.cubicCurveTo()
- drawingLayer.curveTo()
- drawingLayer.drawPath()
- drawingLayer.endDraw()
- drawingLayer.endFrame()
- drawingLayer.lineTo()
- drawingLayer.moveTo()
- drawingLayer.newPath()
- drawingLayer.setColor()
- Edge object
- Effect object
Element object
- Method summary for the Element object
- Property summary for the Element object
- element.depth
- element.elementType
- element.getPersistentData()
- element.hasPersistentData()
- element.height
- element.layer
- element.left
- element.locked
- element.matrix
- element.removePersistentData()
- element.selected
- element.setPersistentData()
- element.width
- Fill object
Filter object
- Property summary for the Filter object
- filter.angle
- filter.blurX
- filter.blurY
- filter.brightness
- filter.color
- filter.contrast
- filter.distance
- filter.hideObject
- filter.highlightColor
- filter.hue
- filter.inner
- filter.knockout
- filter.quality
- filter.saturation
- filter.shadowColor
- filter.strength
- filter.type
flash object (fl)
- Method summary for the flash object
- Property summary for the flash object
- fl.activeEffect
- fl.browseForFileURL()
- fl.browseForFolderURL()
- fl.closeAll()
- fl.closeDocument()
- fl.closeProject()
- fl.componentsPanel
- fl.configDirectory
- fl.configURI
- fl.contactSensitiveSelection
- fl.createDocument()
- fl.createNewDocList
- fl.createNewDocListType
- fl.createNewTemplateList
- fl.createProject()
- fl.documents
- fl.drawingLayer
- fl.effects
- fl.enableImmediateUpdates()
- fl.fileExists()
- fl.findDocumentIndex()
- fl.getAppMemoryInfo()
- fl.getDocumentDOM()
- fl.getProject()
- fl.mapPlayerURL()
- fl.Math
- fl.mruRecentFileList
- fl.mruRecentFileListType
- fl.objectDrawingMode
- fl.openDocument()
- fl.openProject()
- fl.openScript()
- fl.outputPanel
- fl.quit()
- fl.reloadEffects()
- fl.reloadTools()
- fl.revertDocument()
- fl.runScript()
- fl.saveAll()
- fl.saveDocument()
- fl.saveDocumentAs()
- fl.setActiveWindow()
- fl.showIdleMessage()
- fl.trace()
- fl.version
- fl.xmlui
FLfile object
- Method summary for the FLfile object
- FLfile.copy()
- FLfile.createFolder()
- FLfile.exists()
- FLfile.getAttributes()
- FLfile.getCreationDate()
- FLfile.getCreationDateObj()
- FLfile.getModificationDate()
- FLfile.getModificationDateObj()
- FLfile.getSize()
- FLfile.listFolder()
- FLfile.remove()
- FLfile.setAttributes()
- FLfile.write()
- folderItem object
- fontItem object
Frame object
- Method summary for the Frame object
- Property summary for the Frame object
- frame.actionScript
- frame.duration
- frame.elements
- frame.getCustomEase()
- frame.hasCustomEase
- frame.labelType
- frame.motionTweenOrientToPath
- frame.motionTweenRotate
- frame.motionTweenRotateTimes
- frame.motionTweenScale
- frame.motionTweenSnap
- frame.motionTweenSync
- frame.setCustomEase()
- frame.shapeTweenBlend
- frame.soundEffect
- frame.soundLibraryItem
- frame.soundLoop
- frame.soundLoopMode
- frame.soundName
- frame.soundSync
- frame.startFrame
- frame.tweenEasing
- frame.tweenType
- frame.useSingleEaseCurve
- HalfEdge object
- Instance object
Item object
- Method summary for the Item object
- Property summary for the Item object
- item.addData()
- item.getData()
- item.hasData()
- item.itemType
- item.linkageClassName
- item.linkageExportForAS
- item.linkageExportForRS
- item.linkageExportInFirstFrame
- item.linkageIdentifier
- item.linkageImportForRS
- item.linkageURL
- item.removeData()
- Layer object
library object
- Method summary for the library object
- Property summary for the library object
- library.addItemToDocument()
- library.addNewItem()
- library.deleteItem()
- library.duplicateItem()
- library.editItem()
- library.expandFolder()
- library.findItemIndex()
- library.getItemProperty()
- library.getItemType()
- library.getSelectedItems()
- library.importEmbeddedSWF()
- library.itemExists()
- library.items
- library.moveToFolder()
- library.newFolder()
- library.renameItem()
- library.selectAll()
- library.selectItem()
- library.selectNone()
- library.setItemProperty()
- library.updateItem()
- Math object
- Matrix object
- outputPanel object
- Parameter object
- Path object
- Project object
- ProjectItem object
- Screen object
ScreenOutline object
- Method summary for the ScreenOutline object
- Property summary for the ScreenOutline object
- screenOutline.copyScreenFromFile()
- screenOutline.currentScreen
- screenOutline.deleteScreen()
- screenOutline.duplicateScreen()
- screenOutline.getSelectedScreens()
- screenOutline.insertNestedScreen()
- screenOutline.insertScreen()
- screenOutline.moveScreen()
- screenOutline.renameScreen()
- screenOutline.rootScreen
- screenOutline.screens
- screenOutline.setCurrentScreen()
- screenOutline.setScreenProperty()
- screenOutline.setSelectedScreens()
- Shape object
- SoundItem object
Stroke object
- Property summary for the Stroke object
- stroke.breakAtCorners
- stroke.capType
- stroke.color
- stroke.curve
- stroke.dash1
- stroke.dash2
- stroke.density
- stroke.dotSize
- stroke.dotSpace
- stroke.hatchThickness
- stroke.jiggle
- stroke.joinType
- stroke.length
- stroke.miterLimit
- stroke.pattern
- stroke.rotate
- stroke.scaleType
- stroke.shapeFill
- stroke.strokeHinting
- stroke.thickness
- stroke.variation
- stroke.waveHeight
- stroke.waveLength
SymbolInstance object
- Property summary for the SymbolInstance object
- symbolInstance.accName
- symbolInstance.actionScript
- symbolInstance.blendMode
- symbolInstance.buttonTracking
- symbolInstance.cacheAsBitmap
- symbolInstance.colorAlphaAmount
- symbolInstance.colorAlphaPercent
- symbolInstance.colorBlueAmount
- symbolInstance.colorBluePercent
- symbolInstance.colorGreenAmount
- symbolInstance.colorGreenPercent
- symbolInstance.colorMode
- symbolInstance.colorRedAmount
- symbolInstance.colorRedPercent
- symbolInstance.description
- symbolInstance.filters
- symbolInstance.firstFrame
- symbolInstance.forceSimple
- symbolInstance.loop
- symbolInstance.shortcut
- symbolInstance.silent
- symbolInstance.symbolType
- symbolInstance.tabIndex
SymbolItem object
- Method summary for the SymbolItem object
- Property summary for the SymbolItem object
- symbolItem.convertToCompiledClip()
- symbolItem.exportSWC()
- symbolItem.exportSWF()
- symbolItem.scalingGrid
- symbolItem.scalingGridRect
- symbolItem.sourceAutoUpdate
- symbolItem.sourceFilePath
- symbolItem.sourceLibraryName
- symbolItem.symbolType
- symbolItem.timeline
Text object
- Method summary for the Text object
- Property summary for the Text object
- text.antiAliasSharpness
- text.antiAliasThickness
- text.accName
- text.autoExpand
- text.border
- text.description
- text.embeddedCharacters
- text.embedRanges
- text.fontRenderingMode
- text.getTextAttr()
- text.getTextString()
- text.length
- text.lineType
- text.maxCharacters
- text.orientation
- text.renderAsHTML
- text.scrollable
- text.selectable
- text.selectionEnd
- text.selectionStart
- text.setTextAttr()
- text.setTextString()
- text.shortcut
- text.silent
- text.tabIndex
- text.textRuns
- text.textType
- text.useDeviceFonts
- text.variableName
TextAttrs object
- Property summary for the TextAttrs object
- textAttrs.aliasText
- textAttrs.alignment
- textAttrs.autoKern
- textAttrs.bold
- textAttrs.characterPosition
- textAttrs.characterSpacing
- textAttrs.face
- textAttrs.fillColor
- textAttrs.indent
- textAttrs.italic
- textAttrs.leftMargin
- textAttrs.letterSpacing
- textAttrs.lineSpacing
- textAttrs.rightMargin
- textAttrs.rotation
- textAttrs.size
- textAttrs.url
- TextRun object
Timeline object
- Method summary for the Timeline object
- Property summary for the Timeline object
- timeline.addMotionGuide()
- timeline.addNewLayer()
- timeline.clearFrames()
- timeline.clearKeyframes()
- timeline.convertToBlankKeyframes()
- timeline.convertToKeyframes()
- timeline.copyFrames()
- timeline.createMotionTween()
- timeline.currentFrame
- timeline.currentLayer
- timeline.cutFrames()
- timeline.deleteLayer()
- timeline.expandFolder()
- timeline.findLayerIndex()
- timeline.frameCount
- timeline.getFrameProperty()
- timeline.getLayerProperty()
- timeline.getSelectedFrames()
- timeline.getSelectedLayers()
- timeline.insertBlankKeyframe()
- timeline.insertFrames()
- timeline.insertKeyframe()
- timeline.layerCount
- timeline.layers
- timeline.pasteFrames()
- timeline.removeFrames()
- timeline.reorderLayer()
- timeline.reverseFrames()
- timeline.selectAllFrames()
- timeline.setFrameProperty()
- timeline.setLayerProperty()
- timeline.setSelectedFrames()
- timeline.setSelectedLayers()
- timeline.showLayerMasking()
ToolObj object
- Method summary for the ToolObj object
- Property summary for the ToolObj object
- toolObj.depth
- toolObj.enablePIControl()
- toolObj.iconID
- toolObj.position
- toolObj.setIcon()
- toolObj.setMenuString()
- toolObj.setOptionsFile()
- toolObj.setPI()
- toolObj.setToolName()
- toolObj.setToolTip()
- toolObj.showPIControl()
- toolObj.showTransformHandles()
- Tools object
- Vertex object
- XMLUI object
- VideoItem object
3. C-Level Extensibility
- Integrating C functions
- Data types
The C-level API
- typedef JSBool (*JSNative)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, unsigned int argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
- JSBool JS_DefineFunction()
- unsigned short *JS_ValueToString()
- JSBool JS_ValueToInteger()
- JSBool JS_ValueToDouble()
- JSBool JS_ValueToBoolean()
- JSBool JS_ValueToObject()
- JSBool JS_StringToValue()
- JSBool JS_DoubleToValue()
- JSVal JS_BooleanToValue()
- JSVal JS_BytesToValue()
- JSVal JS_IntegerToValue()
- JSVal JS_ObjectToValue()
- unsigned short *JS_ObjectType()
- JSObject *JS_NewArrayObject()
- long JS_GetArrayLength()
- JSBool JS_GetElement()
- JSBool JS_SetElement()
- JSBool JS_ExecuteScript()
- Official Product Documentation from Macromedia
- Training from the Source
Product information
- Title: Developing Extensions for Macromedia® Flash® 8
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2005
- Publisher(s): Adobe Press
- ISBN: 9780321394163
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