

+ (addition) operator, 110

& (AND) operator, 110

&& (AND) operator, 110

- (arithmetic negation) operator, 110

= (assignment) operator, 110

\ (backslash), UNIX line-continuation character, 309

/ (division) operator, 110

== (equality) operator, 110

=== (exact equality) operator, 110

!== (exact inequality) operator, 110

> (greater than) operator, 110

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 110

( ) (grouping operators), 110

? : (if/then/else expression shortcut), 110

< (less than) operator, 110

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 110

! (logical negation) operator, 110

* (multiplication) operator, 110

!= (not equal to) operator, 110

| (OR) operator, 110

|| (OR) operator, 110

<< (signed shift left) operator, 110

>> (signed shift right) ...

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