
Note: Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables and “f” indicate figures.


Absence/presence of films/coatings detection 100–102
acceptance criteria establishment 100–101
in aircraft industry 101
in automotive industry 102
computer hard disk 101
vs. OSEE 103–104
thickness measurements 102–105
Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturing 
cleaning process 134
clothing and footwear 136
construction materials 135
dedicated and nondedicated equipment 135–136
equipment characteristics 135
equipment design considerations 134–135
health examination 136
HVAC system 136
Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standard 116


Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) 91
Cleaning agents 
acidic and alkaline detergents 157, 158–159, 158t
characteristics 158 ...

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