DevOps for VMware Administrators

Book description

DevOps for VMware® Administrators is the first book focused on using DevOps tools and practices with VMware technologies. The authors introduce high-value tools from third parties and VMware itself, and guide you through using them to improve the performance of all your virtualized systems and applications. You’ll walk through automating and optimizing configuration management, provisioning, log management, continuous integration, and more.

The authors also offer step-by-step coverage of deploying and managing applications at scale with Docker containers and Google Kubernetes. They conclude with an up-to-the-minute discussion of VMware’s newest DevOps initiatives, including VMware vRealize Automation and VMware
vRealize Code Stream.

Coverage includes

     •    Understanding the challenges that DevOps tools and practices can help VMware administrators to solve

     •    Using Vagrant to quickly deploy Dev and Test environments that match production system specifications

     •    Writing Chef “recipes” that streamline server configuration and maintenance

     •    Simplifying Unix/Linux configuration management and orchestration with Ansible

     •    Implementing Docker containers for faster and easier application management

     •    Automating provisioning across the full lifecycle with Razor

     •    Integrating Microsoft PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and VMware PowerCLI to automate key Windows Server and vSphere VM admin tasks

     •    Using Puppet to automate infrastructure provisioning, configuration, orchestration, and reporting

     •    Supercharging log management with ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

     •    Supporting DevOps source code management with Git and continuous integration practices with Jenkins

     •    Achieving continuous integration, delivery, and deployment with VMware’s vRealize Code Stream

Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Dedication
  4. Contents
  5. About This Book
    1. You the Reader
    2. What This Book Covers
    3. Authors’ Disclaimer
  6. About the Authors
    1. About the Reviewers
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. We Want to Hear from You!
  9. Reader Services
  10. Introduction
  11. Part 1: Introduction to DevOps
    1. Chapter 1. Introduction to DevOps
      1. An Overview of DevOps Principles
      2. Implement Systems Thinking
      3. Furthering your DevOps Knowledge and Skills
      4. Summary
      5. References
    2. Chapter 2. The DevOps Tool Chain
      1. Organizing for Success: Kanban
      2. Server Deployment
      3. Configuration Management
      4. Continuous Integration
      5. Log Analysis
      6. Summary
      7. References
    3. Chapter 3. DevOps Test Environment Setup
      1. Environment Provisioning with AutoLab
      2. Environment Provisioning with Vagrant
      3. Creating Images with Packer
      4. Managing Source Code
      5. Summary
      6. References
  12. Part 2: Puppet
    1. Chapter 4. Introduction to Puppet
      1. Puppet Architecture
      2. Preparing your Puppet Test Lab
      3. Puppet Resources
      4. Puppet Manifests
      5. Puppet Modules
      6. Summary
      7. References
    2. Chapter 5. Systems Management Tasks in Puppet
      1. Optimizing the Web Tier with Data Separation
      2. Application Tier
      3. Database Tier
      4. Implementing a Production Recommended Practice
      5. Deploying the Application Environment
      6. Summary
      7. References
    3. Chapter 6. VMware vSphere Management with Puppet
      1. Puppet’s Cloud Provisioner for VMware vSphere
      2. VMware’s Management Modules
      3. Summary
      4. References
  13. Part 3: Chef
    1. Chapter 7. Introduction to Chef
      1. What Is Chef?
      2. Core Philosophies behind Chef
      3. Chef Terminology
      4. The Difference Between Hosted Chef and Chef Server
      5. Introduction to ChefDK
      6. Using Knife
      7. Creating your First Hello World Chef Recipe
      8. Summary
    2. Chapter 8. Systems Management Tasks with Chef
      1. Signing Up for Hosted Chef
      2. Community Cookbooks
      3. Setting up System Management
      4. Configuring Your Virtual Guests
      5. Systems Management Tasks
      6. Managing the Root Password
      7. Summary
    3. Chapter 9. VMware vSphere Management with Chef
      1. Knife Plug-Ins
      2. Chef Provisioning
      3. Summary
  14. Part 4: Ansible
    1. Chapter 10. Introduction to Ansible
      1. Ansible Architecture
      2. Ansible Groups
      3. Ansible Ad Hoc Command Execution
      4. Ansible Playbooks
      5. Ansible Roles
      6. Ansible Galaxy
      7. Summary
      8. References
    2. Chapter 11. Systems Management Tasks with Ansible
      1. Web Server Deployment
      2. The Application Tier
      3. The Database Tier
      4. Role Structure Optimization
      5. VMware Resource Management
      6. Summary
      7. References
  15. Part 5: PowerShell 4.0
    1. Chapter 12. Introduction to PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)
      1. What Is PowerShell DSC?
      2. PowerShell DSC Requirements
      3. PowerShell DSC Components
      4. PowerShell DSC Configurations
      5. PowerShell DSC Modes
      6. PowerShell DSC Resources
      7. Summary
      8. References
    2. Chapter 13. Implementation Strategies with PowerShell DSC
      1. Use Cases for PowerShell DSC in VMware Environments
      2. Scripted Deployments of VMs with PowerCLI
      3. Incorporating PowerShell DSC in VM Templates
      4. Challenges Implementing PowerShell DSC Configurations to New VMs
      5. General Lessons Learned
      6. Future Use Cases for PowerShell DSC in VMware Environments
      7. Summary
      8. References
  16. Part 6: Application Deployment with Containers
    1. Chapter 14. Introduction to Application Containers with Docker
      1. What Is an Application?
      2. Linux Containers
      3. Using Docker
      4. Summary
      5. References
    2. Chapter 15. Running Docker Containers at Scale
      1. Container Orchestration
      2. Kubernetes
      3. Kubernetes Deployment
      4. Platform-as-a-Service with Docker
      5. Summary
      6. References
  17. Part 7: DevOps Tool Chain
    1. Chapter 16. Server Provisioning Using Razor
      1. How Razor Works
      2. Using Razor
      3. Using Razor APIs
      4. Razor Components
      5. Setting Up Razor
      6. Summary
      7. References
    2. Chapter 17. Intro to the ELK: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
      1. Elasticsearch Overview
      2. Logstash Overview
      3. Kibana Overview
      4. Summary
      5. References
    3. Chapter 18. Continuous Integration with Jenkins
      1. Continuous Integration Concepts
      2. Jenkins Architecture
      3. Jenkins Deployment
      4. Jenkins Workflow
      5. Quality Assurance Teams?
      6. Summary
      7. References
  18. Part 8: VMware DevOps Practices
    1. Chapter 19. VMware vRealize Automation in DevOps Environments
      1. Emergence of DevOps
      2. Stable Agility
      3. People, Process, and Conway’s Law
      4. vRealize Automation
      5. vRealize Application Services
      6. Puppet Integration
      7. Code Stream
      8. Summary
      9. References

Product information

  • Title: DevOps for VMware Administrators
  • Author(s): Trevor A. Roberts Jr., Josh Atwell, Egle Sigler, Yvo van Doorn
  • Release date: April 2015
  • Publisher(s): VMware Press
  • ISBN: 9780133795301