2Alexander Rüstow und die Vitalpolitik

It had been expected that the spread of the free economy would bring about positive ethical and sociological results as well as an improvement in moral standards, a humanization, and an integration of society. But competition as such, appealing as it does solely to selfishness as a motivating force, can neither improve the morals of individuals nor assist social integration; it is for this reason all the more dependent upon other ethical and sociological forces of coherence. Alexander Rüstow 1942, S. 272

Anlässlich des Todes von Alexander Rüstow im Jahr 1963 schrieb Wilhelm Röpke (1899–1966):

Als vor mehr als einem Jahrzehnt die Aufmerksamkeit auf Alexander Rüstow’s [sic!.] damals nacheinander in drei Bänden ...

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