

accuracy, 33

active lawsuits, 131–132

activist hedge funds, 65–67

Agape World Inc., 57

age discrimination, 35

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 103

analysis of information, 101, 145–158

anonymous tip line, 9, 104

archives of websites, 62

Asia, 46

asset investigations, 121–129

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 103

attorneys, 107–110, 112


backdating options, 66

background checks

as deal-killers, 3

conducting, 3–4

corporate records, 19

court records, 7

criminal records, 7

frequency of, 63

frequency recommended, 8

importance of, 1–3, 6–7

mandates for, 4

recommended frequency, 26

what they find, 15–21

what to include, 7–9

BaFin, 110

bankruptcy petitions, 28

Bayou Hedge Fund Group, 169–170

Bernard L. Madoff Investment ...

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