Digital Audio and Compact Disc Technology, 2nd Edition

Book description

Digital Audio and Compact Disc Technology, Second Edition presents the principles behind the development of the compact disc digital audio system. The book discusses the aspects of digital audio and compact disc technology, which has revolutionized the way music is recorded and consumed. The text contains chapters that discuss the principles of digital signal processing, such as, sampling, quantization and error correction; codes for digital magnetic recording; an overview of the compact disc medium; compact disc encoding; and digital audio recording systems. Electronics enthusiasts and engineers will find the book informative.

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Digital Audio and Compact Disc Technology
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Preface
  6. A Short History of Audio Technology (1/5)
  7. A Short History of Audio Technology (2/5)
  8. A Short History of Audio Technology (3/5)
  9. A Short History of Audio Technology (4/5)
  10. A Short History of Audio Technology (5/5)
  11. Part I: Principles of Digital Signal Processing
    1. Chapter 1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 2. Principles of Sampling
      1. The Nyquist Theorem
      2. Sampling Frequency
      3. Sample-Hold Circuits
      4. Aperture Control
      5. Characteristics and Terminology of Sample-Hold Circuits
    3. Chapter 3. Principles of Quantization
      1. Quantization Error
      2. Calculation of Theoretical Signal-to-Noise Ratio
      3. Masking of Quantization Noise
      4. Conversion Codes
    4. Chapter 4. Overview of A/D Conversion Systems
      1. Linear (or Uniform) Quantization
      2. Companding Systems
      3. Floating-Point Conversion
      4. Block Floating-Point Conversion
      5. Differential PCM and Delta Modulation
    5. Chapter 5. Operation of A/D-D/A Converters
      1. A/D Converters
      2. Sony A/D Converter
      3. Video 8 PCM Converter
      4. D/A Conversion in Digital Audio Equipment
    6. Chapter 6. Codes for Digital Magnetic Recording
      1. Non-Return to Zero (NRZ)
      2. Bi-Phase
      3. Modified Frequency Modulation (MFM)
      4. 3-Position Modulation (3PM)
      5. High Density Modulation – 1 (HDM–1)
      6. Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation (EFM)
    7. Chapter 7. Principles of Error Correction
      1. Types of Code Errors
      2. Error Compensation
      3. Error Detection
      4. Error Correction (1/2)
      5. Error Correction (2/2)
      6. Error Concealment
      7. Interleaving
  12. Part II: The Compact Disc
    1. Chapter 8. Overview of the Compact Disc Medium
      1. Main Parameters
      2. Optical Discs
      3. Recording and Readout System on a CD
      4. Signal Parameters
      5. Audio Signal
      6. Compact Disc Production
    2. Chapter 9. Compact Disc Encoding
      1. CIRC Encoding
      2. The Control Word
      3. The Q Subcode and its Usage
      4. EFM Encoding
      5. The Sync Word
      6. Final Bit Rate
    3. Chapter 10. Opto-electronics and the Optical Block
      1. The Optical Spectrum
      2. Interaction of Optical Waves with Matter
      3. Optical Components (1/2)
      4. Optical Components (2/2)
      5. The Injection Laser Diode (ILD)
      6. TOP: T-type Optical Pick-up
      7. FOP: Flat-type Optical Pick-up
    4. Chapter 11. The Servo Circuits in CD Players
      1. Summary of the Servo Circuits in a CD Player
      2. The Focus Servo Circuit
      3. The Tracking Servo Circuit
      4. The Sled Servo Motor
      5. The Disc Motor Servo Circuit
    5. Chapter 12. Signal Processing 15
      1. RF Amplification
      2. Signal Decoding
      3. D/A Converter
      4. High Accuracy D/A Conversion
  13. Part III: Digital Audio Recording Systems
    1. Chapter 13. Outline
    2. Chapter 14. PCM Adapters According to EIAJ
      1. A/D Conversion
      2. Encoding System
      3. Video Format
      4. Basic Circuitry of a PCM Processor
      5. The Recording Circuit
      6. The Playback Circuit
    3. Chapter 15. PCM-1600/1610 Format
      1. Encoding Scheme
      2. Video Format
    4. Chapter 16. Video 8 PCM-Format
      1. A/D - D/A Conversion
      2. Description of the Format
    5. Chapter 17. Digital Audio Tape (DAT) Format
      1. R-DAT (1/2)
      2. R-DAT (2/2)
      3. Automatic Track Following
      4. Error-Correction
      5. Subcode (1/2)
      6. Subcode (2/2)
      7. Tape Duplication
      8. Cassette
  14. Appendix 1: Error Correction (1/4)
  15. Appendix 1: Error Correction (2/4)
  16. Appendix 1: Error Correction (3/4)
  17. Appendix 1: Error Correction (4/4)
  18. Appendix 2: Anatomy of a PA L Composite Video Signal (Monochrome) (1/2)
  19. Appendix 2: Anatomy of a PA L Composite Video Signal (Monochrome) (2/2)
  20. Appendix 3: Sampling Theorem
  21. Index

Product information

  • Title: Digital Audio and Compact Disc Technology, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Luc Baert, Luc Theunissen, Guido Vergult
  • Release date: October 2013
  • Publisher(s): Newnes
  • ISBN: 9781483140391