Book description
Today, huge quantities of digital audiovisual resources are already available – everywhere and at any time – through Web portals, online archives and libraries, and video blogs. One central question with respect to this huge amount of audiovisual data is how they can be used in specific (social, pedagogical, etc.) contexts and what are their potential interest for target groups (communities, professionals, students, researchers, etc.).
This book examines the question of the (creative) exploitation of digital audiovisual archives from a theoretical, methodological, technical and practical point of view, especially in three main directions of work:
- The repurposing and republishing of existing audiovisual data.
- The building of community-centric audiovisual archives.
- The use of digital social media and Web 2 technology for the diffusion and sharing of audiovisual content.
This book presents a series of concrete examples of creative uses of digital audiovisual corpora for education, research and cultural heritage preservation and valorization.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Introduction
PART 1: Analysis, Rewritings and Republications
- Chapter 1: Analyzing an Audiovisual Corpus of A Thousand and One Nights
Chapter 2: Analyzing a Corpus of Traditional Bread Making
- 2.1. Introduction
2.2. Creating educational dossiers to raise public awareness
- 2.2.1. Choosing a corpus
- 2.2.2. Defining aims of the analysis
2.2.3. Analysis
- What is the role of each text in the dossier’s structure?
- What are the features that are linked to video processing and analysis in this structure on the basis of this assertion?
- Features added through indexing segments linked to other videos
- Finalizing the dossier
- 2.3. Creating a communication dossier for improving cultural events
- Chapter 3: Republishing Audiovisual Resources
PART 2: Audiovisual Archives, Knowledge Management and Cultural Heritage
Chapter 4: An Archive on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Andean Populations in Peru and Bolivia
- 4.1. Introduction
4.2. Scientific methodology and ethical and participative approaches
4.2.1. Scientific methodology for collecting and processing intangible cultural heritages
- Preliminary information and informed consent
- 4.2.2. An ethical and participative approach: recognizing and involving people and communities in collecting their heritage
4.2.1. Scientific methodology for collecting and processing intangible cultural heritages
- 4.3. The Andean intangible cultural heritage portal
4.4. Interests and perspectives of the project
- 4.4.1. Interests and objectives of the project
- 4.4.2. Uses and perspectives
- 4.5. Conclusion
Chapter 5: An Audiovisual Azerbaijani Cultural Heritage Portal for Educational and Academic Use
- 5.1. Introduction
- 5.2. Disseminating and transmitting cultural heritages via the Internet
- 5.3. Aims of creating an Azerbaijani cultural heritage portal (AACHP) in the ASA-SHS project
5.4. Principal aspects of cultural heritage approach in developing an Azerbaijani cultural heritage portal (AACH)
- 5.4.1. Ethnical aspect of cultural heritage approach
- 5.4.2. Communicative and informative aspects of cultural heritage approach
- 5.4.3. Multi-source aspect of cultural heritage approach
- 5.4.4. Legal aspects of cultural heritage approach
- 5.4.5. Collaborative aspect of cultural heritage approach
- 5.4.6. Valorizing aspect of cultural heritage approach
- 5.4.7. Capitalizing on experience in cultural heritage approach: a development Log Book for the AACH and AICH portals
5.5. Analyzing audiovisual corpora for AACH in ASA
- 5.5.1. Identifying areas of knowledge for the AACHP
- 5.5.2. Library of thematic analysis schemes in AACH
- 5.5.3. The AACH thesaurus
5.5.4. Pragmatic analysis of semiotic descriptions of the AACH audiovisual corpus
- A representative video of the AACH corpus
- Segmentation for focused analysis using the ASW Segmentation Workshop
- Analyzing themes for exploring the thematic richness of an AACH audiovisual text
- A thesaurus showing the terminological richness of the AACH
- Visuals and acoustics for exploring the maximum cognitive potential of the AACH corpus
- Multilingual adaptation of the AACH portal for intercultural studies
- Types of discourse for learning foreign languages
- Scientific disciplines in the AACH for research and teaching
- Suggestions of use for audiovisual documents/materials in the AACH
- 5.6. Applications for the AACH portal and the ASW environment
- 5.7. Conclusion: advantages, benefits and perspectives
Chapter 4: An Archive on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Andean Populations in Peru and Bolivia
PART 3: Social Networks, Web 2.0 and Mobile Communication
Chapter 6: Academic Communication via Facebook and Twitter
- 6.1. Introduction
- 6.2. The ArkWork portal
- 6.3. Facebook for sharing various types of information
- 6.4. Twitter as a means of publicizing short information
- Chapter 7: Uses for Digital Content Sharing Platforms
- Chapter 8: Uses for Content Aggregators and Community Networks
Chapter 9: Tracing Video Usage: The Potential of VDI
- 9.1. Introduction
- 9.2. Presentation of the scenario
9.3. Walkthrough
- 9.3.1. User registration and authentication
- 9.3.2. Creating and publishing videos
- 9.3.3. Subscribing to videos
- 9.3.4 Removing videos
- 9.3.5. Downloading videos
- 9.3.6. Creating and publishing analyses
- 9.3.7. Subscribing to analyses
- 9.3.8. Removing analyses
- 9.3.9. Creating a channel
- 9.3.10. Posting an analysis onto a channel
- 9.3.11. Subscribing to posted analyses
- 9.3.12. Removing posts
- 9.3.13. Viewing analyses posted on channels
- 9.4. Conclusion
Chapter 6: Academic Communication via Facebook and Twitter
- Glossary of Specialized Terms
- Glossary of Acronyms and Names
- Bibliography
- List of Authors
- Index
Product information
- Title: Digital Audiovisual Archives
- Author(s):
- Release date: January 2012
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9781848213388
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