
The story of Digital Circuit Boards at Mach 1 GHz starts with my friend Daniel Beeker. Dan is a senior field applications engineer for Freescale Semiconductor. He was instrumental in getting me interested in circuit board design problems. He was the one that spurred me into finishing the 5th edition to my book “Grounding and Shielding,” which was published by John Wiley in 2007. I have rewritten this book five times since 1967 and when this fifth writing was finished, I really thought I was through writing books. Obviously, I was mistaken.

Dan sees the problems encountered by his customers. He recommended to his management that the users must be provided some help in the form of seminars. They agreed, and as a result Dan took on a new set of responsibilities. He was tasked to find speakers and arrange for seminars for Freescale customers. To locate speakers, Dan turned to his own personal library. The first book he took from the shelf was a copy of my “Grounding and Shielding.” He then looked into my web site and found my address. The result was that I was invited to participate in the Freescale Forum in Orlando and later to give a seminar to his customers in the Detroit area.

The seminar I gave was based on my book and was well received. For those familiar with my books, I use very simple physics to explain how interference is generated, how it enters circuits, and how the circuits can be protected. The principles are the same whether the problem is analog, digital, or ...

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