
Note: Boldface page numbers refer to figures and tables.


Action Units (AUs) 237, 246

additional driven joints 281, 282

advanced skinning 2702

ambient occlusion (AO) 406, 407

anatomical movements of face 2467

anatomical reference 101

anatomical research 67; attributes 68, 68; central and lower torso 70, 70; head and face 689, 69; overview 635; profile 66; tail 70, 71; upper torso section 69, 69

anatomy in animation 18, 18, 19

animation 20, 20, 202, 2627; baking 1237; controllers 131, 131, 2635; principles of 16; test 201; tools 323

animation rig 10, 55, 55; chest setup 141, 141, 151; connection 1367; feet 1969; hip setup 13940, 140, 151; lower arms 185, 185; neck and head 152, 153; setup 1378; skeletal duplication 139, 139 ...

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