Last-in-first-out (LIFO) queue, 320See also Stack
Latches, 111–113
comparison with flip-flops, 109, 118
D, 113, 120
transistor-level, 116–117
Latency, 157–160, 425, 435
Lattice, silicon, 27
critical paths for, 402
Leaf function, 324
Leakage current, 34
Least recently used (LRU) replacement, 502–503
two-way associative cache with, 502–503, 503
Least significant bit (lsb), 13, 14
Least significant byte (LSB), 13, 14, 301
Level-sensitive latch, See Latches: D
Line options, compiler and command, 341–343, 541.e43–541.e45
Linked list, 541.e33–541.e34
Linker, 340–341
Linking, ...

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