Chapter 6: Chroma Chameleon: B&W

In This Chapter

arrow.png Converting color photos to black and white

arrow.png Colorizing, duotoning, and cross-processing

arrow.png Creating the same effects with your camera

Chroma, chroma, chroma, chroma, chroma cha-mee-lee-on” is too large for a chapter title, so I shortened it and will let you look up Boy George and the always-creative 1980s music scene (that also gave us AC/DC).

This chapter walks you through the basics of converting your color photos into black-and-white masterpieces. You also find out how to colorize photos by working with single colors or creating duotones, tritones, quadtones, and even high-contrast cross-processed photos. Finally, I show you how to shoot using your camera’s creative styles.

I think you’ll find this a fun and rewarding chapter. It’s amazing to see how your photos transform when converted from color to black and white. You can let your creativity loose as you colorize and tint photos to age them or give them an artistic boost.

Although you’re using modern technology, don’t think these pursuits are new. Photographers of all eras have manipulated, tweaked, and perfected their photos using whatever they could get their hands on.

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