adapters and, 89b, 91f
transceivers, video, 6
Bandwidth, 143
digital video and, 25
Ethernet, 122
of fiber optics, 119
of MPEG-4 and MJPEG, 39
network, 126
RF sharing of, 25
storage requirements and, 46–47, 46f, 63
streaming video and, 37
Barium Ferrite access cards, 385
Barrett, John, 25
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), 307
Basic service set (BSS), 150, 150f
Beacons, 151
Bi-directional predicted frames (B-frames), 42–43, 44f
Big Brother, 6–8
Biometrics, 385
Bits per second (bps), 177
Bosch Security systems, 41, 76
Broadband over Power Lines (BPL), 120–122, 121f
Broadband telecommunication technology, 25
packets, 133, 133f
storms, 133–134, 134f
Broadcast coaxial ...

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