There is no lack of tools to access the Microsoft SQL Server, from the built-in graphical console SQL Server Management Studio, to the commanA-line interface SQLCMD, to thirA-party utilities such as Quest SQL Server Management Tools and open source SQuirreL introduced in Appendix D.

SQL Server Management Studio Express

The Management Studio is an integral part of SQL Server and is available as an adA-on for the Express editions. It is the primary tool for administering the SQL Server installation, and we are going to use but a small piece of it: the Query Analyzer.

  1. Start up the SQL Server Management Studio from Programs images Microsoft SQL Server 2008 images SQL Server Management Studio, and log onto your SQL Server installation, as shown in Figure A-20.


    FIGURE A-20

  2. Once the Management Studio consoler is up, click the New Query button at the top-left corner of the console, as shown in Figure A-21.


    FIGURE A-21

  3. Load the file DiscoveringSQL.MSSQLServer.Library.sql into the new query window by clicking the Open File icon on the Studio Management toolbar or by opening ...

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