Chapter 6Restriction, Gluing and Support
We show here the local character of distributions: if two distributions are equal on various open subsets ωi of their domains of definition, they are equal on the union of the ωi. It is the gluing theorem for equalities (Theorem 6.10). Equal on ωi meaning that their restrictions to ωi are equal, we first study restriction (§ 6.1).
We also give the gluing property for distributions: if distributions fi, respectively defined on open sets ωi, satisfy fi = fj on ωi ωj for all i and j, there exists a unique distribution, defined on the union of the ωi, which is equal to fi on ωi for each i. This is the gluing theorem for distributions (Theorem 6.16). The main tool for this is the localization–extension, which we study beforehand (§ 6.4).
We finally look at the support of a distribution (§ 6.6) and at the space ′K (Ω; E) of distributions which have their support in a closed subset K of Ω (§ 6.8). We show that a distribution whose support is closed can be extended by 0 (Theorem 6.29).
In this chapter, as in the previous one, results are “natural” and proofs are simple.
6.1. Restriction
Let us define the restriction of a distribution.
Definition 6.1.– Let f ∈ ′(Ω; E), where Ω is an open subset of d and E is a Neumann space, and ω an open subset ...
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