Chapter 1
Is DIY Super Right for You?
In This Chapter
Taking control of your super — the government’s grand plan
Testing your DIY super resolve — ‘Super 6C Challenge’
Fulfilling the SMSF membership rules
Steering your DIY super CART
Building, and growing, a super duper investment portfolio
Planning for your tax-free retirement
T aking control has never been so popular. One of the most talked-about trends in superannuation is the spectacular growth in the number of DIY super funds — 534,000-plus funds and counting.
Although each DIY super fund (officially known as a self-managed super fund) can have no more than four members, these humble structures now control nearly a third of all superannuation wealth in Australia — roughly one in every three super dollars is held in a DIY super fund! Even more remarkable, industry researchers DEXX&R report that DIY super funds control around two-thirds ...
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