Chapter 4

Counting On Super Contributions of All Sorts

In This Chapter

arrow Starting with Superannuation Guarantee

arrow Understanding how super can work for you … seriously!

arrow Beefing up before-tax contributions — concessional

arrow Adding after-tax contributions — non-concessional

arrow Taking advantage of special contribution rules

arrow Making non-cash super contributions

F or your superannuation account to exist, someone at some time has to make a super contribution. Fortunately, most Australians have an employer who’s doing half the savings job for them by making compulsory Superannuation Guarantee contributions. The rest of the retirement savings challenge is up to you. Alternatively, when you don’t have an employer —that is, you’re self-employed or not employed — the size of your final retirement balance is totally dependent on you.

The secret to a cushy retirement is that simple, and that challenging. ...

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