Throughout the book, we use full names and company names where possible. In some examples, we cite a single name, different names, or anonymous companies to avoid revealing confidential or private information on behalf of our clients.


1. A quote by John Wesley Powell, 1834–1902,

2. Diane Coutu, “Why Teams Don’t Work,” Harvard Business Review, May 2009,

3. University of Phoenix, “University of Phoenix Survey Reveals Nearly Seven-in-Ten Workers Have Been Part of Dysfunctional Teams,” UOPX News, January 16, 2013,

4. Anita Bruzzese, “How to Create Trust Among Cross-Functional Teams,” QuickBase (Blog), September 6, 2016,

Chapter 1: Teams That Do Big Things

1. Edward Dolnick, Down the Great Unknown: John Wesley Powell’s 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy Through the Grand Canyon (New York: Harper Collins, 2001).

2. Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling, “How to Set Wildly Important Goals, and What They’ll Do for You,” Fast Company, April 24, 2012,

3. Scott Berinato, “A Framework for Understanding VUCA,” Harvard Business Review, September 5, 2014, ...

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