Docker Fundamentals for Beginners

Video description

Docker is a set of platform-as-a-service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries, and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels.

Docker accelerates the development, sharing, and execution of modern applications. Docker is a tool that uses containers to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications.

In this course, you will learn about virtual machines and containers, installation of Docker, understanding Docker architecture, start/stop/restart Docker Daemon, Docker commands to manage images and containers, Docker volumes, Bind Mounts, tmpfs volume, Docker networking concepts, and deploying a web application as a Docker container.

Docker has made use of pre-existing computing concepts such as containers and, more specifically, primitives known as "groups" and "namespaces" in the Linux world. Docker's technology is distinctive in that it focuses on the needs of developers and system administrators to separate application dependencies from infrastructure.

By the end of this course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals/essential Docker concepts and commands required to deploy a web application.

What You Will Learn

  • Explore physical servers, virtual machines, and containers
  • Learn how to build images
  • Create containers and volumes
  • Create Bind Mounts
  • Study Docker networking concepts details
  • Understand orchestration concepts


This course is designed for DevOps engineers, system administrators, and Cloud engineers who want to learn about Docker for advanced purposes.

This will also suit DevOps managers working for any organization.

Basic IT Concepts are required to get the most out of this course.

About The Author

Coding Gears | Train Your Brain: GlobalETraining (brand name - CodingGears) offers self-paced technical courses and makes them easy to learn.

They have been in the IT training business for many years, offering training courses in Unix, Windows, C#, Java, Python programming, SQL server, manual testing, automation, and so on. Their instructors have 20+ years of experience in various technical areas such as software development, software testing, Windows systems, and network administration, Unix/Linux systems and network administration, virtualization technologies, storage, shell scripting, database management systems (MS SQL Server, MySQL, IBM DB2, Cassandra), containerization (Dockers), Mesos, Marathon, Jenkins, Jira, Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS), Gluster file system, CoreOS, Ansible, and other areas.

CodingGears/GlobalETraining has mentored thousands of students for over a decade and has extensive experience in delivering training—both in-class and online.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction to the Course
    1. Course Overview
    2. Why Should You Learn Dockers
  2. Chapter 2 : Getting Started
    1. Module Overview
    2. Servers Versus Virtual Machines Versus Containers
    3. Containers and Microservices
    4. Pains and Benefits
    5. What is Docker?
    6. Docker Editions
    7. Docker Community Edition Installation - Ubuntu
    8. Docker Test Drive - Demo
  3. Chapter 3 : Docker Images and Registry
    1. Module Overview
    2. Containers and Images
    3. Image Registry
    4. Images and Tags - Demo
    5. What is Docker Hub?
    6. Dockerfile Concepts
    7. Building an Image - Demo
  4. Chapter 4 : Working with Containers and Images
    1. Module Overview
    2. Using Docker Command - Part 1
    3. Using Docker Command - Part 1 Demo
    4. Using Docker Command - Part 2
    5. Using Docker Command - Part 2 Demo
    6. Using Docker Command - Part 3 Demo
    7. Environment Variables
    8. Command and Entry Point
    9. Command and Entry Point - Demo
  5. Chapter 5 : Docker Engine
    1. Module Overview
    2. Docker Container Process
    3. Launching a Container with Limits (CPU and RAM)
    4. Stop/Start/Restart Docker
  6. Chapter 6 : Storage
    1. Module Overview
    2. Non-Persistent Storage
    3. Persistent Storage
    4. Docker Volumes
    5. Bind Mounts
    6. Sharing Data
    7. Storage Commands
    8. Storage Commands - Demo
  7. Chapter 7 : Networking
    1. Docker Networking Basics
    2. Docker Networking - Demo
  8. Chapter 8 : Docker Compose
    1. What is Docker Compose?
    2. WordPress - Details
    3. WordPress - Demo
  9. Chapter 9 : Container Orchestration in Production
    1. Orchestration Solutions - Intro
  10. Chapter 10 : Docker on Mac and Windows
    1. Docker Desktop - Windows and MAC
  11. Chapter 11 : Conclusion
    1. Conclusion

Product information

  • Title: Docker Fundamentals for Beginners
  • Author(s): Coding Gears | Train Your Brain
  • Release date: March 2022
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781803237428