Programming the Lambda function that calculates the cluster capacity

Now that you have set up a CloudWatch event and Lambda function that is invoked whenever ECS container-instance state changes are detected, you can now implement the required application code in the Lambda function that will perform the appropriate ECS cluster-capacity calculations:

......Resources:  ...  ...  EcsCapacityFunction:    Type: AWS::Lambda::Function    DependsOn:      - EcsCapacityLogGroup    Properties:      Role: !Sub ${EcsCapacityRole.Arn}      FunctionName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-ecsCapacity      Description: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} ECS Capacity Manager      Code:        ZipFile: |          import json          import boto3          ecs = boto3.client('ecs') # Max memory and CPU - you would typically inject these as environment ...

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