9.3. Solution

Site registration is the first step in managing access to privileged content. But before we get into the details of registration, it is important to define the term "user." A user is someone who has access to all of the content on your website or just a portion of it. Based on permission levels you define, a user can have different types of access to do the following:

  • View all of the general content displayed to all website visitors

  • View secure areas that are not available to the general public

  • Administer content within the website

DNN includes the option to allow general website visitors to register on your website. This allows the website owner to create secure, private areas that are available only to users that have specific access permissions, such as registered users, administrators, or other users that require private access. DNN also has built-in functionality that enables you to require users to register and pay for access to private areas of your website.

9.3.1. Registration Options

Registration is the first step for managing access to secure content. DotNetNuke gives you four options for allowing users to register on your website, summarized in Table 9-1.

Table 9.1. Registration Options
NoneRegistration is not available to users. The login link remains visible so administrators can access the site. However, the registration link is not displayed. Sites that utilize this option typically have the login link in a less-prominent location than ...

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