Appendix N

List of Action Verbs for Use in Demonstrations of Effectiveness

Each demonstration of effectiveness (DOE) should lead with action. Choose action verbs that are powerfully descriptive and vary between statements. In other words, don't compose 12 DOEs that begin with “Led….” Leadership is, indeed, one of your greatest values to an employer, but you have other skills. Below is a list of powerful action verbs you may consider using to start your DOEs.

Acted Addressed
Administered Analyzed
Arbitrated Assessed
Built Budgeted
Chaired Coached
Coordinated Created
Developed Designed
Directed Diagnosed
Engineered Established
Executed Improved
Increased Integrated
Introduced Led
Managed Motivated
Organized Originated
Operated Oversaw
Performed Planned
Produced Shaped
Solved Succeeded
Supervised Transformed
United Won

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