Site Reporting

The Clean Up HTML command is a great way to make sure your code is well-written. But what if you forget about it until after you’ve built all 500 pages of your site? Do you have to open each page and run the command—whether there’s a problem or not?

Fortunately, no. Dreamweaver’s Site Reports feature makes identifying problems throughout a site a snap. Dreamweaver not only locates the problems fixed by the Clean Up HTML command, it checks your pages for other problems, such as missing titles, empty Alt properties for images, and other issues that can make your site less accessible to disabled web surfers.


To save time when running a report, you can exclude selected folders from a Site Report using the cloaking feature described on Cloaking Files.

After you run a report, Dreamweaver displays a list of pages with problems. Unfortunately, the Site Reports feature only finds problems, it doesn’t fix them. (To see the full life cycle of an HTML error, jump ahead to Figure 17-12.) You have to open and fix each page individually.

To run a report on one or more web pages, proceed like this:

  1. Choose Site→Reports.

    The Reports window opens (see Figure 17-10).

  2. From the “Report on” menu, select the files you want to analyze.

    Dreamweaver can report on a single web page, on multiple pages, or even on an entire site. Choose Current Document to check the web page you have open at the moment. Entire Current Local Site” checks every web page in the local site folder, including folders within ...

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