Chapter 26

Adding Video to Your Web Page

In This Chapter

  • Creating video for the web
  • Dreamweaver Technique: Adding Flash Video
  • Including video clips in your web pages
  • Inserting QuickTime Player movies
  • Using streaming videos
  • Coding HTML5 Video

There’s no doubt that video on the web has truly come into its own. From online video’s humble beginnings as a grainy, jerky, quarter-screen-sized moving image to the full-screen, high-fidelity movie-like imagery of today, video is an essential element for many websites.

There are numerous plugins for video playback including Adobe Flash video, QuickTime, RealVideo, and Windows Media Player. With all of these players, video can be downloaded to the user and then automatically played with a helper application, or it can be streamed to the user so that it plays while it’s downloading. However, there is no single plugin that can play on all desktops and mobile devices.

With the introduction of the HTML5 <video> tag, plugin free video is not only an option, it could very well be the future. Dreamweaver CS6 offers full code-hinting support to this new (but growing) kid on the block.

This chapter describes the many different methods for incorporating video—whether you’re downloading an MPEG file or streaming a movie—into your web pages through Dreamweaver.


While there are several different ways to add video to your Dreamweaver pages, by far the ...

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