Driving Technical Change

Book description

Your co-workers' resistance to new technologies can be baffling. Logical arguments can fail. If you don't do politics, you will fail. With Driving Technical Change, by Terrence Ryan, you'll learn to read users' "patterns of resistance"-and then dismantle their objections. Every developer must master the art of evangelizing. With these techniques and strategies, you'll help your organization adopt your solutions-without selling your soul to organizational politics.

Table of contents

  1. Driving Technical Change
    1. Copyright
    2. For the Best Reading Experience...
    3. Table of Contents
    4. What Readers Are Saying About Driving Technical Change
    5. Acknowledgments
    6. Part 1: Introduction
      1. Chapter 1: Why This Book?
        1. How Is This Book Organized
        2. Why You Should Read This Book
        3. Who I Think You Are
      2. Chapter 2: Defining the Problem
        1. What Do We Mean by Professional Development?
        2. Who Are These Skeptics?
        3. Why Do We Need to Sell It?
      3. Chapter 3: Solve the Right Problem
        1. Why Do It?
        2. Seeing Solutions
        3. Challenges
        4. Things to Try
    7. Part 2: Skeptic Patterns
      1. Chapter 4: Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?
      2. Chapter 5: The Uninformed
        1. Why Don’t They Use the Technology?
        2. Underlying Causes
        3. Effective Countering Techniques
        4. Prognosis
      3. Chapter 6: The Herd
        1. Underlying Causes
        2. Effective Countering Techniques
        3. Prognosis
      4. Chapter 7: The Cynic
        1. Underlying Causes
        2. Effective Countering Techniques
        3. Prognosis
      5. Chapter 8: The Burned
        1. Underlying Causes
        2. Effective Countering Techniques
        3. Prognosis
      6. Chapter 9: The Time Crunched
        1. Underlying Causes
        2. Effective Countering Techniques
        3. Prognosis
      7. Chapter 10: The Boss
        1. Underlying Causes
        2. Effective Countering Techniques
        3. Prognosis
      8. Chapter 11: The Irrational
        1. Underlying Causes
        2. Effective Countering Techniques
        3. Prognosis
    8. Part 3: Techniques
      1. Chapter 12: Filling Your Toolbox
      2. Chapter 13: Gain Expertise
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. How Do You Become an Expert?
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
      3. Chapter 14: Deliver Your Message
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. Mastering Delivery
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
      4. Chapter 15: Demonstrate Your Technique
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. Demonstration Opportunities
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
      5. Chapter 16: Propose Compromise
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. Discovering Compromise
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
      6. Chapter 17: Create Trust
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. Developing Trust
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
      7. Chapter 18: Get Publicity
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. Seeking the Limelight
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
      8. Chapter 19: Focus on Synergy
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. Developing Synergy
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
      9. Chapter 20: Build a Bridge
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. Developing a Bridge
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
      10. Chapter 21: Create Something Compelling
        1. Why Does It Work?
        2. Creating That Something
        3. Skeptics That It Counters
        4. Pitfalls
        5. Wrapping Up
    9. Part 4: Strategy
      1. Chapter 22: Simple, Not Easy
      2. Chapter 23: Ignore the Irrational
        1. What Exactly Does This Mean?
        2. Why Is This Challenging?
      3. Chapter 24: Target the Willing
        1. Order of Difficulty
        2. Easy
        3. Hard
        4. Hardest
      4. Chapter 25: Harness the Converted
        1. Request Help
        2. Create Evangelists
        3. Cross-Promote
        4. Consume Attention
      5. Chapter 26: Sway Management
        1. What Do You Want from Management?
        2. How Do You Get It?
        3. Now What?
      6. Chapter 27: Final Thoughts
        1. Cautionary Tales
        2. Success Is Siloed
        3. Problems Always Expand
        4. A Journey, Not a Destination
    10. Bibliography
      1. You May Be Interested In…

Product information

  • Title: Driving Technical Change
  • Author(s): Terrence Ryan
  • Release date: November 2010
  • Publisher(s): Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • ISBN: 9781934356609