
8.1Dynamic fuzzy sets

8.1.1Definition of dynamic fuzzy sets

Definition 8.1 A map defined in the domain of discourse U.( A, A ):( U, U )[0,1]× [,],( u , u )( A ,( u ), A ,( u )),, marked as ( A , A )= A or A . Then we call ( A , A ) as the dynamic fuzzy sets in ( U , U ),, shorten for DFS. We call ( A ,( u ), A ,( u )) as the membership function of membership degree ( A , A ).

*Explanation: For any a ∈ [0, 1], we can make it dynamic fuzzilization as a = DF ( a , a ), a = DF a or a ,max( a , a ) = Δ a ,min( a , a ) = Δ a . So that we can visually present variation trends of number

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