Appendix A

Program 1: Addition of Two Vectors

clear all
disp(‘     ADDITION OF TWO VECTORS P & Q (P + Q)            ’);
disp(‘Enter values for vector P ex [1 -1 0]’);
P = input(‘Enter P:’);
disp(‘Enter values for vector Q ex [2 3 -1]’);
Q = input(‘Enter Q:’);
disp(‘Sum of two vectors P and Q is’);
C = P + Q               % Sum of two vectors
C_mag = sqrt(dot(C,C)); % magnitude of vector C
fprintf(‘Magnitude of the sum of two vectors is %f\n’,C_mag);

Simulation Results of Program 1 Implementation (Addition of Two Vectors)

------------------------------------ ADDITION OF TWO VECTORS P & Q (P + Q) ------------------------------------ Enter values for vector P ex [1 -1 0] Enter P:[0 2 4] Enter values ...

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