
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Accent lighting, 190
Advanced economic analyses, 350–352
Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), 235
Aggregation of energy uses, 42
Agriculture and food processes, 277–279
direct uses, 277–278
food processing, 279
indirect uses, 278
on-farm energy production, 278–279
Air change method, 300
Air compressor, 271, 272–273, 273f
Air conditioner, measures of efficiency of, 104
Air conditioning, See space cooling
Air distribution systems, description of, 157–161
chilled water systems, 137
direct expansion (DX) system, 137
dual duct system, 158, 158f
multi-zone system, 158–159, 159f
passive and active beam systems, 160–161
reheat systems, 157–158, 157f
variable ...

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