Chapter 3
The New Media University
We are forever students of new media. While we learn through everything we read and practice, we should never strive to master something that evolves much faster than our ability to fully grasp its lessons, benefits, insights, and pitfalls. In the process, we learn a bit more about ourselves and our true potential.
For those versed in social media and the tools that connect us to those we wish to reach, enjoy this chance to hit ctrl-alt-del and restart with a fresh perspective. For those new to the socialization of media and influence, please take your time here. This is where everything begins.
Social media is a great equalizer and we share the desire and necessity to establish authority so we can better help those around us.
The future of today's marketing integrates traditional media with social media elements intended to affect and renovate each and every department within the organization, from service to marketing to public relations (PR), information resources (IR), and human resources (HR) to sales and product development.
We're simply becoming aware of our markets, the people who define them, and our place within each community. It is a mandatory ritual of becoming socially adept.
While new media will always be new, the principles that govern behavior, interaction, and support remain constant. They're simply interpreted differently, based on intentions, objectives, and varying levels of customer empathy ...