



a and an 17, 41

absolute adjectives 21, 412

abstract common nouns 17

accents: French words 14, 136

active verbs 18, 245, 101

adjectival phrase 29

adjectives 21; superfluous 100, 101, 1201; use of hyphens 812; see also absolute adjectives

adverbs 21, 98; conjunctive/sentence 21; superfluous 100, 101; use of hyphens 82, 91

after 42; see also following

African-American, as synonym for black 12

agreement of French words used in English 6970

alliteration 103

ambiguity 101

American-British exchange 2

American: influence 1; grammar 45; jargon in journalism 176; new left 10; prepositions 4, 54; spelling 34; variants (spelling) 70

Americanisation 8

Americanisms 68, 54, 1223, 163

an 17, 41

Anglo-Saxon words 100

annus horribilis ...

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