© Jennifer Harder 2017

Jennifer Harder, Enhancing Adobe Acrobat DC Forms with JavaScript, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2893-7_20

20. Homework Assignments

Jennifer Harder

(1)Delta, British Columbia, Canada

To complete the assignments in this chapter, be sure to download the Chapter 20 folder at www.apress.com/9781484228920 .

Homework Assignment 1: Show and Hide

Review Chapters 1, 2, and 4.

Use file Assignment1_showhide_start_2.

This assignment will be a review of the show and hide actions. However, this time you will use yes and no radio buttons rather than a check box and a regular button. It’s good to try similar projects in different ways to see which solution you are more comfortable with. Depending on the form you create, one way may be better ...

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