16 Why Should Interoperability R&D Work be Driven by Agile Integration and Message Standards Concerns?

Smart manufacturing assumes agile integration of manufacturing services and applications [IVE 17, KUL 16]. This implies that manufacturing message standards, which are key to services integration, need to be quickly created, used and managed. That is a far cry from the best practices today. The interoperability R&D community should take on the challenge of enabling new message standards lifecycle management (LCM) capabilities needed for rapid integration and reconfiguration of manufacturing systems.

16.1. Vision: rapid integration and reconfiguration of manufacturing systems

Manufacturing is on the cusp of being massively transformed: static and monolithic manufacturing systems are changed into dynamic networks of distributed manufacturing services. This transformation is even more radical now with the application of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies in manufacturing.

In the new state, the required functionalities will be provided by services, which could be much more flexible and cost-effective to use. Manufacturing, however, requires reliable transformation approaches for the new service-based networks, including efficient integration, configuration and re-configuration of services and IIoT solutions. Despite the complexity, visions of agile, re-configurable, service-oriented manufacturing systems continue to drive industry investments.

16.1.1. ...

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