
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, and t indicate tables.


Abiotic factors 194–195
Absorption 330–331
Absorption spectrophotometry 241
Abyssal zone 19
Acetone 130–131
Acid-base partitioning 289
Acid rain 189–191
coal 169
ecosystems 197
emissions trading programs 362
secondary pollutants 198
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides 190, 342
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) resin 125
Acutely hazardous waste/toxic waste 271–272
Addition reactions 316
Adsorption 281–283, 327–331
Aerobic biodegradation 332–334, 338, 348
Aerosols 157–161
Aggregation 346
Agrochemicals 155, 161–164
Air emissions 416–419
Air pollution 362
Air quality 189–191
Air sparging 403–405
Air-water partitioning 289
Alaska/Rocky Mountains 96
Alcohols 69–72 ...

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