Appendix D

Solutions to Selected Exercises

Chapter 1


a = 3;
b = 5;
sum        =  a + b;
difference =  a - b;
product    =  a * b;
quotient   =  a / b;

Chapter 2


(a) Comma should be replaced by decimal point

(e) Asterisk should be omitted

(f) Exponent must be integer

(h) Comma should be replaced by decimal point


(b) Decimal point not allowed

(c) First character must be letter

(d) Quotes not allowed

(h) Blanks not allowed

(i) Allowed but not recommended

(k) Asterisk not allowed

(l) Allowed but not recommended


(a) p + w/u

(b) p + w/(u + v)

(c) (p + w/(u+v))/(p + w/(u-v))

(d) sqrt(x)

(e) y^(y+z)

(f) x^(y^z)

(g) (x^y)^z

(h) x - x^3/(3*2) + x^5/(5*4*3*2)


(a) i = i + 1

(b) i = î3 + j


if e > f   g = e else ...

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