Working on the Client Side
The Sum web part performs its calculations on the server, but that's not really necessary or efficient. For high-volume applications, it's a good idea to do as much work on the client side as possible. For example, the following HTML creates an equivalent client-side web part that doesn't require a round-trip to the server to perform the calculations:
<html> <head> <script id="clientEventHandlersJS" language="javascript"> function _btn_onclick( ) { var arr = new Array(""); // Use getElementById, direct control refs don't work var _txt = document.getElementById("_txt"); var _div = document.getElementById("_div"); var total = 0, s = _txt.value; arr = s.split("\n"); for (var i in arr) { total += parseFloat(arr[i]); } _div.innerText = "Total: " + total; return; } </script> </head> <body> <form id="_frm"> <div id="_div">Total: </div> <TEXTAREA id="_txt" name="_txt" rows="10" cols="35"> </TEXTAREA> <br> <INPUT id="_btn" type="button" value="Sum" onclick="return _btn_onclick( )"> </form> </body> </html>
This code is stored as an HTM file in a resource, and then loaded and rendered by the following line:
protected override void RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter writer) { output.Write(GetHtml("clientSum.htm")); }
At runtime, this web part is visually identical to the server-side web part in Figure 11-8, but the calculation is done on the client computer via JavaScript. The result is much better performance and less network traffic, because the page isn't sent back to the ...
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