Note: Page numbers in italics indicate figures; page numbers in bold indicate tables.
acculturation: alternative strategies 49; assimilation path 49, 50; behavioural changes 50; choice of acculturation path 52–54; consumer 9, 47; consumer behaviour and 56–59; definitions for 47; differences in immigration policies and 326–329; and ethnic group dynamics 59–61; ethnic identity and 56; ethnic minority business and 176–178; factors influencing 51–52; forces 51–52, 322; illustrative perspectives on 48; indicators of 50–51; individual 53–54; influencers/moderators on process 52; inter-generational differences 54–55; levels of 47; phases 49–50; pressures of 67; process in culturally diverse country 60, 60–61; process of 31; psychological 47–
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