Your Creative Manifesto
Organisations spend an awful lot of time (and money) trying to write their reason for being. It’s sometimes called a mission statement, a vision statement or a declaration of intent. And it’s important: it acts as their compass, lighthouse and anchor to shape and sustain their desired culture while giving them the clarity and confidence to fulfil their strategic objectives.
We’re going to do the same, but for you. You’re going to create a living document that clearly articulates who you are, what you’re here to create and why it matters. You’re going to make your own Personal Creative Manifesto.
The best manifestos function as both a statement of principles and a bold, sometimes rebellious, call to action. It should make you evaluate the gap between the principles that matter to you and your current reality. It should challenge assumptions you have about your creative capability, foster a deep commitment to your creative recovery, and provoke lasting, meaningful change to your identity.
Simply put, your manifesto is a statement of creative ideals and intentions. It is a powerful catalyst that will push you beyond your comfort zone and hold you accountable to your continuing creative flourishing.
If you want to change your identity (and you do), creating a personal manifesto is a great place to start.
Writing a Personal Creative Manifesto (and living by it) can have a tremendous impact on the way you are at work. If you’re someone who ...
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