Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Fifth Edition

Book description

The best-selling Little SAS Book just got even better. Readers worldwide study this easy-to-follow book to help them learn the basics of SAS programming. Now Rebecca Ottesen has teamed up with the original authors, Lora Delwiche and Susan Slaughter, to provide a new way to challenge and improve your SAS skills through thought-provoking questions, exercises, and projects. Each chapter in Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book is matched to a chapter in The Little SAS Book, Fifth Edition. This hands-on workbook is designed to hone your SAS skills whether you are a

student or a professional.

This book covers DATA step programming, report writing, statistical and graphical procedures, the Output Delivery System, macros, and more; contains a mixture of multiple-choice questions, open-ended discussion topics, and programming exercises with selected answers and hints; and includes comprehensive programming projects that are designed to encourage self-study and to test the skills developed by The Little SAS Book.

Table of contents

  1. About the Book
  2. About the Authors
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Exercises and Projects
    1. Chapter 1 Getting Started Using SAS Software
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    2. Chapter 2 Getting Your Data into SAS
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    3. Chapter 3 Working with Your Data
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    4. Chapter 4 Sorting, Printing, and Summarizing Your Data
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    5. Chapter 5 Enhancing Your Output with ODS
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    6. Chapter 6 Modifying and Combining SAS Data Sets
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    7. Chapter 7 Writing Flexible Code with the SAS Macro Facility
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    8. Chapter 8 Visualizing Your Data
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    9. Chapter 9 Using Basic Statistical Procedures
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    10. Chapter 10 Exporting Your Data
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
    11. Chapter 11 Debugging Your SAS Programs
      1. Multiple Choice
      2. Short Answer
      3. Programming Exercises
  5. Projects
  6. Selected Solutions
    1. Chapter 1—Getting Started Using SAS Software
    2. Chapter 2—Getting Your Data into SAS
    3. Chapter 3—Working with Your Data
    4. Chapter 4—Sorting, Printing, and Summarizing Your Data
    5. Chapter 5—Enhancing Your Output with ODS
    6. Chapter 6—Modifying and Combining SAS Data Sets
    7. Chapter 7—Writing Flexible Code with the SAS Macro Facility
    8. Chapter 8—Visualizing Your Data
    9. Chapter 9—Using Basic Statistical Procedures
    10. Chapter 10—Exporting Your Data
    11. Chapter 11—Debugging Your SAS Programs

Product information

  • Title: Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Fifth Edition
  • Author(s): Rebecca A. Ottesen, Lora D. Delwiche, Susan J. Slaughter
  • Release date: July 2015
  • Publisher(s): SAS Institute
  • ISBN: 9781629598055