Writing Flexible Code with the SAS Macro Facility

Multiple Choice      

Short Answer      

Programming Exercises      

Multiple Choice

  1.   Which of the following is a valid macro variable name?

a.   01_01_1960

b.   _SP4EVR_

c.   Charlie'sPlace

d.   S.O.S.

  2.   If the following code is submitted and then followed by a PROC PRINT, what will be the resulting title in the output?

%LET title = The Amazing Race;

TITLE '&title';

a.   The Amazing Race

b.   &title

c.   title

d.   '&title'

  3.   If the following code is submitted and then followed by a PROC PRINT, what will be the resulting title in the output?

%LET title = The Amazing Race;

TITLE '&title';

a.   The Amazing Race

b.   &title

c.   title

d.   '&title'

  4.   If the following ...

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