
Capítulo 1

[1] Manning, H. y Bodine, K. (2012), Outside In, Forrester Research.

[2] Carlzon, J., (1985), El momento de la verdad, Harper Collins.

[3] Pine II, B. Joseph y Gilmore, James H. (1998), «Wellcome to the experience economy», Harvard Business Review, julio-agosto.

[4] Damasio, A. (2006), El error de Descartes, Editorial Crítica.

Capítulo 2

[1] Schmitt, B. (1999), Experiential Marketing, Editorial Deusto; y Schmitt, B. (2003), Customer Experience Management.

[2] Caver y Scheier, «Oxford Handbook of Human Action».

[3] Fredrickson, B. (2009), Positivity, Nueva York, Crown.

Capítulo 3

[1] Manning, H. y Bodine, K. (2012), op. cit.

[2] Meyer, John P. y Allen, Natalie J. (1991), «A three-component conceptualization ...

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