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Chapter 20. Accessing DB2 UDB for z/OS
tables and stored procedures
with EGL
Most of the installations that code EGL for deployment to DB2 UDB for z/OS prefer to keep
the DB2 tables in the mainframe instead of moving them to another platform. This section
gives you some basic tasks in order to have this working at the development environment
using WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer. In addition, we explore the use of DB2 stored
procedures located in the mainframe.
This chapter contains all the necessary information to:
򐂰 Understand how to create, test, and debug EGL programs accessing the DB2 tables
defined at z/OS
򐂰 Understand how EGL can call existing DB2 stored procedures on z/OS
򐂰 Test and debug EGL programs that call DB2 stored procedures
Note: There are number of automated viewlet demonstrations that are provided as
additional material to this IBM Redbook. Review Appendix C, “Working with sample code”
on page 509. The demonstrations cover:
򐂰 DB2 UDB for z/OS stored procedures using COBOL and Debug Tool V5
򐂰 EGL and DB2 UDB for z/OS with Debug Tool V5
򐂰 JSF calling EGL calling COBOL DB2 UDB for z/OS stored procedures with Debug Tool
The demonstrations can be downloaded from the IBM Redbooks Web site by selecting
Additional Material and navigating to IBM Redbook number SG246483 on the FTP site.
The demonstrations are approximately 10 minutes in length.

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