2 Hands on with F#

This chapter covers

  • Writing code the F# way
  • F# and .NET
  • Creating your first F# program
  • Getting started with Visual Studio (VS) Code
  • Configuring VS Code
  • Working with the REPL and scripts

F# may be different than other languages you’ve used, but it’s powerful and useful. In this chapter, we’ll get started coding and dive into what makes F# great.

2.1 Writing code the F# way

Let’s start by considering some of the principles behind F# with a quick compare-and-contrast with typical so-called curly-brace languages such as Java and C#. It’s worth doing before we start diving into the code so that you’re mentally prepared for some of the differences you might observe when doing F#. In some ways, much of what you read in this section ...

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