The routine for performing startup system routines is ap_AppInit (see Listing 27.1). All routines shown in this chapter can be found in the modGlobalUtilities module of VideoApp(ADO).mdb, which can be found in the \Examples folder on the CD-ROM.
Listing 27.1. VideoApp(ADO).mdb: The Main Startup System Checking Routine
Function ap_AppInit() Dim cnnLocal As New ADODB.Connection Dim rstSharedTables As New ADODB.Recordset Dim lngCurrError As Long, strCurrError As String DoEvents DoCmd.Echo True, "Checking Connections..." flgLeaveApplication = False Set cnnLocal = CurrentProject.Connection ap_InitializeDBProps cnnLocal '-- Section 2: User requested to logout, quit the application If ap_LogOutCheck(pstrBackEndPath) ... |
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