Chapter 1

Deciding to Join

In This Chapter

arrow Answering the question, “What is Facebook?”

arrow Discovering the benefits of being part of the crowd

arrow Using Facebook efficiently

arrow Understanding the statements of rights and responsibilities

Before considering whether or not to join Facebook, you probably want to know what it is, how you use it, and whether it’s going to be invasive in your life. Those concerns are all fair, and the purpose of this chapter is to address them. First, we explain what Facebook is and how it fits into the scheme of social media. Then we discuss the benefits of joining Facebook, the basic rules of doing so, and how you can customize your experience.

Describing Facebook

Facebook is a social networking platform where people share their thoughts, actions, photos, and videos with friends, family, and (in some cases) the public at large.

By setting up a personal timeline (sometimes referred to as a profile), you can create status updates and keep others up-to-date on what you’re doing. Facebook is where you can hang out with friends, even when you’re not in the same location. ...

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