Page and Box Titles


Page titles are a really important element of Search Engine Optimization, and they also provide users with better bookmarks and history list entries. How can I set titles for the different pages in my app?


Use the fb:title tag to set the title of your page. When used on a Canvas page, this will append the included text to the title of the window. The simplest form is:

<fb:title>Title Here</fb:title>

If your app is called “Super Disco Napping,” and you set the fb:title to “Invite Friends to Nap,” and you’re running Firefox 3 on Mac OS X (which you should be!), the window title bar will look something like Figure 6-12.

Window title

Figure 6-12. Window title

You can also use the fb:title tag to set the title of the various boxes you can place the tag in, including Profile Boxes and the like. When used inside of a wide Profile Box, you’ll get something like Figure 6-13.

Profile Box text

Figure 6-13. Profile Box text


The fb:title tag is often used with the fb:subtitle tag to create a header like the one you’ll see in Profile Boxes on users’ Profiles. For example, the following:

<fb:title>Super Disco Naps</fb:title> <fb:subtitle seeallurl=""> Displaying 10 of 2587 naps <fb:action href=""> Take ...

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