Chapter 3: Using Third-Party Contest Applications
In This Chapter
Browsing contest applications
Selecting the right application for you
Setting up the application within your Page
The easiest way to manage your Facebook contest is to use a third-party contest application. Applications of this type are designed to work within Facebook’s contest guidelines, so they make getting started a snap. They give your contest a professional look, and in many cases they include analytics features so that you can analyze your results.
As with other Facebook applications, you have to go through a few steps to add a contest application to your Page, and most of these applications aren’t free. Luckily, they’re very affordable, and they offer a lot of nice features to help you facilitate a well-run contest.
In this chapter, we look at how to find those often-elusive third-party applications, how to set them up, and how to notify the winners and deliver your prizes.
Finding a Contest Application
Finding contest applications in Facebook can be challenging. The Facebook search function for these apps doesn’t always find all the apps that are available, and more contest applications are being added as ...