Chapter 12
Conversing on Twitter with Friends, Family, and Even Strangers
Follow Basic Guidelines for Conversing
Pass Along a Chosen Tweet
Like Your Favorite Tweets
Search for Tweeted Topics
Know What to Tweet About
When you register on Twitter, you get all sorts of suggestions about how to connect with people. As I suggest in Chapter 11, I think it’s best to get familiar with the basic ideas of a new site before inviting all your friends to the party. I mean, after all, what kind of host can you be if you barely know the lay of the land yourself?
I hope you’ve checked out Twitter a bit. I must confess, it took me quite a while to really “get” it. Once I did, I wanted to invite all my friends — and if they weren’t already on Twitter, I wanted them to join so I could share my new shiny toy! There’s a lot to be learned on Twitter, so that’s where I spend most of my time.
In this chapter, I talk a little more about the finer details of communicating on Twitter. I give ...
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