
Boldface page numbers refer to tables


ABC Family Channel, 119

ABC network, 119

above-the-line costs

international coproductions, 180181

sample business plan, 229

above-the-line money, distribution, 139

Academy Awards, 209, 216, see also Oscars

filmmaker investment advice, 269

filmmaking goals, 31

financing advice, 269

partnership, 44

accounting issues

LLCs, 175, 176

studio dollar tracking, 71, 7173

action/adventure films, filmmaking goals, 31

action/adventure genre

defining, 92

direct-to-DVD, 148149

film matching, 192193

history, 9495

market segment, 92

Act of Valor, 97

actor/estate agent investors, 273

actors, see also stars

and budget, 58

distribution publicity, 119

experienced, 56

filmmaker investment advice, 269

administrative ...

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